Update [5/26/11 - 7:15AM] – Apparently some folks were having a problem enlarging the pitching flow chart.  This should be rectified now!

Special thanks to The Girl Who Loved Andy Pettitte — it was her glorious chart (published about this time last year) that inspired me to make the following two flow charts. Be sure to click on the images below for an enlarged (and entirely more readable) view.  Enjoy.

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18 Responses to Open Thread | Need to point the finger (not that finger) at someone? TYA understands…

  1. says:

    this is the most amazing thing i’ve read all week.


  2. SherriPizza says:

    This is hysterical. Thanks for the laugh!


  3. I blame Javier Vazquez.


    Matt Warden Reply:

    Well played good Sir. +1


    Mike Reply:



  4. Matt Warden says:

    Hah! Glad to hear it. Just doing my part. ;)


  5. Bexy says:



  6. I’ve already looked at the flow chart several times and it’s still making me laugh each time. Well done, Matt.


  7. nyyankeefanforever says:

    I’m blown away!! (My personal fave is “Was it someone else’s fault” followed by “Consider reconsidering” with arrow back to “Was it Posada’s fault?”) An instant classic … makes me proud to be a Yankee fan…a job well done Matt!! ROFLMAO!


  8. Can’t it just be A-Rod’s fault?


  9. T.O. Chris says:

    It’s clearly Cashman’s fault…. Fire him now so he doesn’t get a chance to make anymore trades.


  10. Jared says:

    You’re the man, Matt. This was awesome. My favorites are:

    “Blame BABIP for sounding stupid when said allowed.”


    “Blame Cashman for ruining Joba. If he were a starter, he wouldn’t be relieving.”


    Jared Reply:

    Crap. Meant to say *aloud and *weren’t a starter



  11. SoxGuy says:

    In my experience it’s almost always John Sterling’s fault. I’d give some of the blame to Suzyn too but she’s usually nowhere to be found.


    Matt Warden Reply:

    Duly noted, SoxGuy. I’m not quite sure how those two managed to go unscathed. Then again, the Sox probably deserve more blame as well!


  12. T.O. Chris says:

    So Buster Posey breaks his ankle in a regular season collision at the plate, the world freaks out, and now they want to change the rules to “protect” catchers. Yet Francisco Cervelli loses a whole season in a spring training collision and I can’t re-call one person even thinking about a rule change.

    Why can’t they just tell the truth? Posey is a young star that can generate money so they care, Cervelli is a nobody in the gran scheme so he could die on the field and things wouldn’t skip a beat. It makes me a little more than sick that this will probably happen under the guise of “player saftey”, when in actuallity it’s being done for the wallet and nothing more.


    Jared Reply:

    Just the way it is. No one said MLB was perfect.


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