Felix Hernandez may play in Seattle, but for all intents and purposes he owns the property on River Ave and 161st street lock, stock and barrel. Check out this stat from New York Daily News Yankee beat writer

Felix Hernandez has won his last 4 starts against the Yankees (9/18/09-8/20/10), going 4-0 with a 0.51 ERA (2 ER, 35 IP) during the stretch.

Ouch. We all know he’s dominated the Yanks in recent years, but two measly runs over 4 games is off the charts. Ivan Nova better bring his A-game, or this one could be a real snoozer. Here’s our sacrificial offering (aka kineup) to the king, in the hope he shows mercy upon us and makes our execution quick and painless-

Derek Jeter SS
Curtis Granderson CF
Mark Teixeira 1B
Alex Rodriguez 3B
Robinson Cano 2B
Russell Martin C
Jorge Posada DH
Nick Swisher RF
Brett Gardner LF

Oh, one more thing I forgot to mention…..GO YANKS!!!!


159 Responses to Game 50-King of the Bronx

  1. Professor Longnose says:

    I just got Bill James’s two latest books, Solid Fool’s Gold and Popular Crime. Why should I watch the Yankees not hit when I could go to bed and read?

  2. Professor Longnose says:

    1-0 on a Cano HR. Good start. Hope they can do more.

  3. Professor Longnose says:

    Come on, Jorge. Give us a few more moments of glory before you hang it up.

  4. Professor Longnose says:

    A nice bloop single from Gardner here would be great.

  5. bornwithpinstripes says:

    40 pitches in 2 innings, must keep working the counts..no first pitch swings.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      Yes, they’re still doing that well. They got Pineda out yesterday after 5 innings, although it didn’t help any.

  6. I would just like to note that, not five minutes after I harmlessly Tweeted “Coney, please tell Singy about FIP on air,” he in fact did exactly that.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      Maybe in 5 or 10 years, he’ll have TV audiences ready for HR/FB. Or is that asking for too much?

  7. Eric Schultz says:

    Man, can’t fault Nova there (aside for the walk). He’s getting the grounders, they’re just going to the wrong places.

  8. bornwithpinstripes says:

    kid is throwing real good ,4 weak GBs

    • Professor Longnose says:

      He does look good, but you have to be really horrible to look bad against the Mariners.

  9. Professor Longnose says:

    3 runs and 57 pitches after 3. So far, so good.

  10. bornwithpinstripes says:

    the two guys who should be looking at more pitches swing on the first pitch..

  11. Professor Longnose says:

    Uh-oh. 2nd and 3rd with no out. They’ll be lucky to get out of this with the lead.

  12. Professor Longnose says:

    And 2 pitches later, tie game.

  13. Professor Longnose says:

    Nova melted down. Get him out of there.

    • Nova not being able to get through 4 innings against the worst offense in the league (the Twins don’t count) is dissatisfying, to say the least.

      • Professor Longnose says:

        I wonder whether he’s going to be able to stay in the rotation.

        • T.O. Chris says:

          Who could replace him at the moment? A trade may bump him out, but for now I can’t see anyone from within the system knocking him out.

  14. Professor Longnose says:

    I’d settle for a 12-pitch walk from Gardner.

  15. Professor Longnose says:

    OK, Granderson and Teixeira with the tying run on 2nd. Someone needs to get a hit.

    • Eric Schultz says:

      These are probably the guy I’d want up in this inning. Get it done fellas!

      • Professor Longnose says:

        Did you read Joe Posnanski’s essay on how Yankee fans expect to win? It was so weird. I don’t expect to win this game.

        • Y’know, everyone seems to slobber all over themselves when it comes to Posnanski, but I gotta say — I’m generally less-than-impressed with his stuff. He’s obviously a talented writer, but he whiffs every time he tries to talk about the Yankees with regards to anything. At this point he’s devolved into maybe a slightly smarter version of Bill Simmons.

          • Professor Longnose says:

            I usually find him interesting, but sometimes his emotions just seem to come from someplace I don’t get, and I get off at the next stop.

          • Eric Schultz says:

            Perhaps it’s because the bar is so low for sportswriters in general that people tend to be impressed when a guy is even adequate. I enjoy Posnanski overall, and as sportswriters go, he’s definitely one of the better ones out there.

  16. Professor Longnose says:

    Does anyone have the stats on how many runs the Yankees score each inning? They really seem to go dead in the late innings, and I wonder if it’s just my perception.

    • bornwithpinstripes says:


    • Longnose — here are the runs scored by inning. It’s not your perception; they’ve most certainly been scoring more runs earlier in games for some reason.

      It’s weird, and completely counterintuitive to the historical Yankee MO of working a starter over to then feast on the bullpen.

      • Professor Longnose says:

        Yes, I remember bringing it up in that early series against the Twins, and it seemed kind of a funny freak that they hadn’t scored late in a few games. But now it’s a trend. Everything’s down 7-9: BA, OBP, SLG. I can’t even think of a potential reason.

  17. Eric Schultz says:

    Well, only one more inning of Felix, hopefully.

  18. bornwithpinstripes says:

    this girardi is the worst..how can he hit and run…97 pitches only 1 out..two pitches inning over..all this with a guy who can not hit a .178 hitter..joe has really lost his grip on managing a major league team..felix with a long at bat vs martin..bails him out, he makes a great move taking nova out, but has to come up with a way to screw it up..when is posada going to sit ..this is pathetic..

  19. oldpep says:

    Agree about Posada, and to a degree about Girardi. I don’t recall him using nearly as much NL/small-ball stuff prior to this season. And him continuing to lead off Jeter and run Po out there every night is kind of weak, too.

    • bornwithpinstripes says:

      pep..didn’t we all enough already with posada, if your winning fine let him hit his way out if he can..but this is beyond reason..guy on first pitch swinging..i just dont get it..

  20. Professor Longnose says:

    A baserunner. Hernandez at 104 pitches. This is IT, guys. Get it done.

  21. Professor Longnose says:


  22. Professor Longnose says:

    Ichiro missed it. I’m surprised Hernandez is facing Teixeira.

    Get that go-ahead run in, guys.

  23. Eric Schultz says:

    Wow Ichiro blew that. Plus, this pretty much guarantees that Felix is done after this inning. Let’s get that run in Tex!

  24. Professor Longnose says:

    123 pitches. Really surprising they’re letting Hernandez stay in there.

    • T.O. Chris says:

      Why? He’s the best pitcher in baseball and they have a laughable pen. They pitch him hard and often, just like the Tigers do with Verlander.

      • Professor Longnose says:

        They don’t pitch him as hard as the Tigers pitch Verlander. Hernandez averages 108 pitches per game.

        Going 128 on a night when you don’t have your best stuff and you average 108 seems a little unusual.

        • T.O. Chris says:

          I imagine Felix would have pulled a David Wells and thrown the ball down the right field line if you came to take the ball from him there.

      • bornwithpinstripes says:

        yeah what a shame..

  25. Professor Longnose says:

    Really weak at bat by Rodriguez, but, hey, they tied it.

  26. bornwithpinstripes says:

    what is with wedge gambling with an arm like that..another moron..

    • T.O. Chris says:

      Yeah clearly Girardi and Wedge are morons, no way they ever played baseball.

      • bornwithpinstripes says:

        why if you play baseball you can not be a moron chris,,do they all go to stanford

        • T.O. Chris says:

          Point being both of them were better players than you were, and they know the game of baseball.

          If you disagree with a certain maneuver here and there that’s one thing, to call them morons is idiotic.

          • bornwithpinstripes says:

            as a baseball fan we get the right to go to the game and boo ,yell call names joe get to manage the yanks and get millions a year..

            • T.O. Chris says:

              Booing and calling someone a moron are clearly not the same. I also don’t agree that just because you watch a game you get free range to say and do what you want.

              He gets paid because he can do it way better than you can, not because he just pulled a number out of a hat.

              • bornwithpinstripes says:

                it is called freedom of speech.i know you live in texas and they think they are america..but the rest of the country still has free speech and expression

          • bornwithpinstripes says:

            being a better player does not make you a better coach.how good a player was long.

            • T.O. Chris says:

              No but getting to the bigs in any fashion proves he probably knows more about the game than you do. Unless you caught for a World Series Champion.

          • bornwithpinstripes says:

            so are you calling me an idiot chris.now you still what to call names kid

            • T.O. Chris says:

              I never called you anything… I don’t call people names like that. BTW continuing to use the word “kid” makes you look like you’re 13.

              However if you want to put words in my mouth then that’s your prerogative.

              “it is called freedom of speech.i know you live in texas and they think they are america..but the rest of the country still has free speech and expression”

              Clearly you don’t feel the same.

  27. T.O. Chris says:

    How’d Noesi do? I got in late because of UFC 130.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      He was terrific. What’s UFC 130?

      • T.O. Chris says:

        You hurt my brain… I get not watching MMA, or the UFC, I guess. But you should have at least heard of it.

        • Professor Longnose says:

          MMA I’ve heard of. UFC? A fried chicken franchise?

          • T.O. Chris says:

            How can you know what Mixed Martial Arts is and not know what the Ultimate Fighting Championship is? It’s the biggest MMA organization in the world.

            • Professor Longnose says:

              I only know what MMA is because I was phoned by a call center hired by the MMA to gather data helpful to them getting it legalized in New York. I wasn’t very cooperative.

              • T.O. Chris says:


                Why would you ever try and help something not get done you know nothing about.

                MMA should be legalized in New York and it’s ridiculous it isn’t.

              • Professor Longnose says:

                Because the poll was so cheap. They asked me if I thought MMA should be legal and I said I didn’t know anything about it. Then they asked me a ridiculous leading question–would you support MMA if you knew that whenever a match is held, 500 people get cured of cancer. It was such a cheap, obvious garbage poll, that I just kept saying I wouldn’t support it.

                As to the actual question, I don’t care but if NYers want to keep it illegal, it’s fine with me.

        • bornwithpinstripes says:

          so chris it hurts your brain because someone never heard of something.. and if he never heard of it just like me what does that make us chris

          • T.O. Chris says:

            “You hurt my brain” is something me and my friends say to each other when someone says something the other one doesn’t agree with. I like the Professor, so I’m willing to give him the same inside joke.

            You I would never say that too.

  28. bornwithpinstripes says:

    what a job by that kid..to bad joe didn’t think about him in the sixth yesterday,,

    • T.O. Chris says:

      Does constantly complaining about Girardi do something for you sexually?

      I get pointing out a guys mistakes when they are made, but constantly harping on them, and never giving the man any credit ever just gets old.

      No matter what manager we have there would be reasons to complain, and things done you disagree with. No one is perfect, I know I’m not.

      • Eric Schultz says:

        That’s not true. Captain Hindsight is always right!

        • T.O. Chris says:

          I wish Girardi got to watch the game on TV, and then after everything was finished he got to make the decision for the game. He’d never be wrong.

        • Eric Schultz says:

          Not calling anyone out personally with that one, just simply pointing out how easy it is to play Monday Morning Quarterback in these situations.

      • bornwithpinstripes says:

        if you bothered to read my post you would see i said he made a good move taking nova out..thing is you never say anything this bum does is dead wrong.. you must think him attractive..boy thats ok with me.. also how does sex get involved chris with a baseball comment ..seems like you are always calling players wives hot..do you lust posadas wife chris you say it enough

        • T.O. Chris says:

          So now you lower yourself to a homosexual slur… I never thought you would stoop that low, I just lost a bunch of respect for you.

          I’ve actually only said Posada had a nice looking wife once, and I’ve never even mentioned a woman in that sense other than that. Nice try embellishing though.

          I just can’t get why you constantly degrade the man, he makes mistakes and I point them out when they happen. But I don’t go over board to the point you do. He makes one mistake, worst manager in baseball, or he’s a moron. It gets old.

          It’s also really hard to actually bring up anything Joe does wrong, because you’ve already taken beyond what it actually deserve and I end up having to talk you about how overboard you’ve gone.

          • Eric Schultz says:

            Easy now fellas, let’s keep this about baseball.

            • T.O. Chris says:

              How about we just call Girardi, or any manager we would have, a moron all game long. It seems to be the in vogue thing to do.

              At a certain point it gets really tiring to read nothing but negativity. It’s why I have to stay away from the blog for days at a time every couple of weeks, it get to the point I can’t take reading another ridiculously negative comment again.

              Half the time it’s not even the worst thing in the world from a baseball perspective, it just isn’t something some people would do.

          • Professor Longnose says:

            UFC got you all riled up?

            • T.O. Chris says:

              Nope. I actually get very tired of reading negativity for the sake of negativity.

              Pointing out a flaw, or something you would do different is one thing. Calling people Moron’s, and calls for a guys job over the smallest thing everyday is quite another.

              • Professor Longnose says:

                That was a joke, T. I didn’t mean for you to have to take it seriously. Sorry if it sounded mean.

                Hey, it’s a baseball blog. If you think someone’s comments aren’t worth reading, don’t read them. Or don’t reply. What the heck, there’s always some guy at the bar being a fool. Comes with the territory.

              • bornwithpinstripes says:

                thats right, he is a moron to me and to you posadas wife is hot..how does that fit in with baseball chris..what would make you think lustfully of a guys wife when we all are focused on rooting for the yanks.. i don’t get it ..i forget i’m married when watching the game

          • bornwithpinstripes says:

            you better go back and read your post kid..once twice saying something about a guys wife..make a difference.?you seem to think what ever your opinion is dead on .or commenting about a guys wife is ok ,only because you said it once..then you make a remark to me just now, and you turn it around. /are you ok..you should not attack anyone because you have strong opinions and a closed mind on certain guys..and posada should still hit until next year ..right chris because he is proud..

            • T.O. Chris says:

              I’m not a kid.

              What does once twice saying something about a guys wife mean?

              I can barley understand anything you write because of how poorly it’s written.

              You were the one who constantly brought up Posada’s wife, and constantly degraded her the entire day after Posada’s locker room blowup.

              What I said was even though Posada’s wife if pretty/hot she should keep out of the Yankees business because it will only make things worse for him. You constantly talked about how she wanted the money, and she lied, and all this other stuff that came off like you were calling her a gold digger.

              I’ve never attacked you, you constantly launch attacks on Girardi, and of personal natures. I simply point out how ridiculous it is.

              Please learn to write.

  29. T.O. Chris says:

    “Because the poll was so cheap. They asked me if I thought MMA should be legal and I said I didn’t know anything about it. Then they asked me a ridiculous leading question–would you support MMA if you knew that whenever a match is held, 500 people get cured of cancer. It was such a cheap, obvious garbage poll, that I just kept saying I wouldn’t support it.

    As to the actual question, I don’t care but if NYers want to keep it illegal, it’s fine with me.”

    New Yorkers don’t want it illegal, in fact they just voted to legalize it. The Culinary Union is spending millions of dollars to keep it illegal, even though they have boxing in Madison Square Garden.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      I’ve never heard of the Culinary Union either.

      • T.O. Chris says:

        Neither had I, but apparently they are the ones with the problem.

        The owners of the UFC happen to own casino’s and the The Culinary Union has something to do with the Casino’s and getting money in Las Vegas. So they are trying to stop MMA from being legalized in New York to screw the owners of the UFC for an unrelated issue.

  30. Professor Longnose says:

    Back to baseball. Hey, Joba, get the third out!

  31. Professor Longnose says:

    Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice play by Alex!!

  32. T.O. Chris says:

    “thats right, he is a moron to me and to you posadas wife is hot..how does that fit in with baseball chris..what would make you think lustfully of a guys wife when we all are focused on rooting for the yanks.. i don’t get it ..i forget i’m married when watching the game”

    What does one have to do with the other? Do you even read what you write?

    I never “thought lustfully of a man’s wife”, clearly you keep drawing conclusions that simply aren’t there. I mentioned she was good looking so that when I said she should mind her business it didn’t come across as talking bad about a women I don’t know. Something you clearly don’t/didn’t have a problem with.

    • bornwithpinstripes says:

      do you know what hot means when you talk about a woman?? it does not mean she is hitting .500 the last month. or you can burn yourself..this is my last comment outside baseball..we were having a good post tonight chris until you decided to show up and tell us everything we should think about the game..girardi was wrong last night and made a hugh mistake tonight..also how smart was wedge..felix thew how many pitches and how many runs did the yanks score.so wedge was wrong

  33. Professor Longnose says:

    Time for Swisher to be a hero.

    • T.O. Chris says:

      I’m sure it got lost in the mountain of worthless posts I’ve engaged in now, but just so you do read it Professor I forgot I had to explain that “you hurt my brain” is an inside joke.

      It’s used amongst a group of friends I have known since back in high school, in regards to anything that one friend doesn’t agree with.

      Just so you know.

      • Professor Longnose says:

        I did read it. (I actually read almost everything.) I’m honored.

        A friend of mine and I IM each other during the working day. And we’ve gotten into the habit of sending “bleh” to each other to indicate we’re bored, or annoyed. And every once in a while I forget, and send a bleh to someone who has no idea what in the world I’m saying.

        • T.O. Chris says:

          If I re-call correctly you mentioned you were reading an autobiography the other night, if you get a chance check out David Wells “Perfect I’m not”. I can not stop laughing through this book.

  34. Professor Longnose says:

    The good news is that, while the Yankees don’t score much in innings 7 to 9, they do score well in extra innings. So get through the bottom of the ninth, guys, and then win it.

  35. T.O. Chris says:

    “so the way anyone can know more is to be on a WS team”

    This goes back to reading into things that aren’t there. Being a World Series winning starting catcher means he knows more about baseball than someone who gets on a blog.

  36. Professor Longnose says:

    Joba does the job.

    Now some runs would be nice.

  37. T.O. Chris says:

    I’ve never understood why League isn’t better than he is.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      I don’t know. He’s had a couple of good years, but not in a while.

      • T.O. Chris says:

        He has such electric stuff. I have to admit I have always been in love with the split-finger fastball, and I think he has one of the best in baseball, after Brandon Morrow and Valverde. Just seems like with that pitch, and the fact he can throw close to 100, he should be a lock down closer.

  38. Professor Longnose says:

    Crud. I hate it when our threats are squelched.

  39. T.O. Chris says:

    Comparing that man to Giambi does such a disservice to his defense. I know people are talking about his bat when they mention them declining the same way, but Teixeira is so valuable with the glove even when he isn’t hitting he helps win games.

  40. T.O. Chris says:

    I give him grief but that was a hell of a play by DJ!

  41. Eric Schultz says:

    Nice approach there by Swish.

    • T.O. Chris says:

      You’d have to assume he has to get going at some point here, the peripherals just don’t match. As you know of course.

  42. T.O. Chris says:

    Does anyone outside of the cat in Alice in Wonderland have a bigger smile than CC Sabathia?

  43. T.O. Chris says:

    The head first slide into firstbase has to be the dumbest play in baseball. You get there no quicker, and you open yourself up to major injuries.

  44. Professor Longnose says:

    Yes! Nice handling of the throw by Cano.

  45. T.O. Chris says:

    I think it’s time Joe had the pitchers practice the throw to second.

    • Professor Longnose says:

      Yeah. They haven’t thrown one away yet tonight, but it hasn’t been pretty.

      • T.O. Chris says:

        Pitchers in general just don’t seem to be comfortable throwing from flat ground in a hurry. I guess they get so use to throwing down hill that straight lines don’t come naturally.

        • Professor Longnose says:

          Probably true. Also, they’re probably not used to throwing without getting a specific grip. I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

          • T.O. Chris says:

            It’s possible, position players are use to grabbing up the ball with as close to a 4 seam grip as possible. Pitchers don’t do it often enough to have muscle memory.

  46. Professor Longnose says:

    Big men up and I’m tired. Let’s score a run.

  47. T.O. Chris says:

    Games like this kill my fantasy team batting average!

  48. T.O. Chris says:

    Talk about one of your all time free agent signing disappointments in Chone Figgins .202/.242/.273.

  49. Professor Longnose says:

    Oh, bloody heck! Can Mariano get out of it?

  50. Professor Longnose says:

    I say IBB, DP. You don’t like to bring the infield in with Rivera.

  51. T.O. Chris says:

    Mo’s the man so I’ll tip my hat to his game plan, but I wouldn’t have let Cust extend his arms in that at bat. I think he was shooting for a cutter off the end of the bat for a possible double play, but with his power I would have stayed inside.

  52. Professor Longnose says:

    Goodnight. How disappointing.

  53. T.O. Chris says:


  54. T.O. Chris says:

    We had chances, still a long way to go for this team.

  55. Duh, Innings! says:

    Once again Mariano can’t hold a tie.

    He’s now blown four games this year and we’re not even at the third of the way point, so he’s on pace to blow more than a dozen games total.

    He’s done as a dominant force. Let next year be his last and let the 2012 Yankees have a closer by committee of Rivera and either Soriano if he doesn’t opt out or Robertson. Mo can still be the all-time saves leader if he doesn’t blow enough chances to collect one out of th 20-25 chances tops he should get next year.

    Another horrible loss I blame mostly on the offense. Way to go scoring one run without the homerun and posting another sub-5 run night, Stinkees. Any moron who wants to say “What’s wrong with hitting lots of homeruns?” ummmmm, you’re not hitting many against the elite pitching teams in the postseason. If this Yankees team even makes the postseason with all the games they’ve lost despite getting good or better pitching.

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