My friends at River Ave. Blues have been kind enough to provide a bully pulpit platform for me to explain Why The Wave Doesn’t Belong at Yankee Stadium, so please head on over there and check my guest post out.

The RAB guys — in addition to being great writers — are also great editors, and helped me really take the piece from a fairly stereotypical rant to a more substantive thought piece.

The original title of the post was “If you are attending a game at Yankee Stadium and you participate in The Wave, you should be banned from baseball for life,” so as you might imagine the first draft was a touch on the harsher side.

6 Responses to In which I take down The Wave

  1. mortgeek says:

    I live in Boston, so I attend MANY more games at Fenway than I do at YSIII. I’ve seen the wave happen on many occurrences at Fenway. I absolutely despise it because at Fenway chances of you being able to see are already slim, then add in people jumping up and down in front of you and it becomes painful.

    However, the main argument you make about Boston is that they live and die by every pitch, which is complete BS. I cannot tell you how many “poser” sox fans live in Boston and attend games. Every college student that moves to Boston instantly becomes a Sox fan because thats the “cool thing to do”. I’ve been to parties where the Sox have been playing the Yanks and people will get in my face about me being a Yanks fan. If I went down the usual list of questions about them being a Sox fan (ie: can you even name 5 players on the Sox) most would fail miserably. My point here is, lets not give the Red Sox fans too much credit. I can say I have an insiders perspective here, and there is just as much BS going on at Sox games as there is at Yanks games.

  2. Larry says:

    Thanks for weighing in, Mort. My window into games at Fenway is fairly small, given that I only ever see them play the Yankees.

    Obviously people do The Wave everywhere; I was mostly hoping that by deifying Red Sox fans it would help drive the point home harder — if there's one thing Yankee fans hate, it's people saying Red Sox fans are better than they are.

  3. mortgeek says:

    That is very true. I just thought I'd share my opinion based on my experiences. Living in Boston is tough as a Yankees fan, as I'm sure you could imagine. I just don't want to give anyone too much credit!


  4. Larry says:

    "Living in Boston is tough as a Yankees fan"

    I can't even imagine. That's why I will never live in Boston at any point in my entire life. I get ; I'd probably get into fistfights in Boston.

  5. mortgeek says:

    I once attended a game, and of course because Fenway is extremely outdated, there is only 1 way in and out of the bathroom. It was in the middle of an inning so there was a line to get in, AND a line to get out. I was stuck in the line to get out when a bunch of drunk Sox fans started teasing me about my Mariano jersey. One pointed at the patch for the 2008 All-star game and because it was april said "thats a little premature don't you think?", when I informed him it was because the Yankees were hosting the all star game, he became irate (because he looked like a moron). An asshole chant ensued, and I was happy to get out of there.

    I have dozens of stories like this one. At least for the time being I can antagonize them about being below the Jays in the standings.


  6. Larry says:

    Bold move, my friend. I haven't been to a game at Fenway since the late 90s, and I've often wondered whether I'd have the cojones to wear Yankee gear were I to attend a game in Boston now.

    Ultimately, I don't think I would; primarily because why make yourself a target?

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