Here are a few quick items on the evening regarding Phil Hughes and Joba Chamberlain:

  • Sam Borden has an interesting piece out on the way the Yankees’ starters work with each other in order to craft and refine their own repertoires. A notable item from the article is that former Yankee, Mike Mussina, advised Phil Hughes to adopt a “spike grip” for his curveball back in ’06. Hughes tried the grip and has used it ever since.
  • According to an unnamed (of course) Yankee executive that spoke with ESPN 1050, on Wednesday, while facing Detroit, the first 2 innings Joba Chamberlain threw prior to giving up 6 earned runs were very good. In fact, the executive claimed that “he thought Chamberlain’s first two innings were the best he has looked in two years.”
  • Speaking of Joba, Joe Pawlikowski of River Ave Blues on the right-hander’s reduced velocity, noting that he should employ his breaking pitches with greater regularity this season – and in the future – to counteract the loss. I think Joba’s curveball, in particular, is a very good pitch that he needs to use more often.

In 2009, the whiff rate on Joba’s curve was 14.9%, the second highest rate in his four-pitch repertoire, just behind the slider. It was put in play 10.9% of the time, which was actually the lowest rate of the four pitches in his arsenal.

Photo by Reuters Pictures

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One Response to Some quick notes on Joba, Hughes

  1. leftylarry says:

    With his lack of great control, if Joba can’t throw 93- 94-95 consistently, he’s just no big deal, just another guy.
    They made his delivery less violent after the shoulder a few years ago and he’s not really had any consistent velocity since.
    When he got pumped up and firing it in the series, the velocity was there, thought not 98 like before but he doesn’t throw like that as a starter anyway.

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