According to’s Ken Gurnick, last week, the Dodgers observed the rehabbing Chien-Ming Wang as he threw off flat ground and, needless to say, they were not too impressed by the results. Gurnick says that Joe Torre’s club believes Wang is “three months or more away from pitching in a game,” meaning that he likely won’t be able to find a Major League deal until after the season has begun. In fact, Wang may have to wait until the summer in order to find a taker for his services. He and his agent, Alan Nero, could actually be better off with this midseason strategy as many organizations will be in search of added rotational depth once June rolls around, and clubs would likely be willing to spend more then, on a fully healthy Wang, rather than now, on a Wang whose future is still uncertain. Either way, regardless of his vague status, as stated by Keith Law, “Wang is worth a flier to see if he has something left… a sinkerballer can survive with a little less velocity, so he’s worth a look.” Thus, he will eventually land somewhere.

If you’re hoping to see the Yankees re-sign Wang, this might be good news for you in that he does not appear ready to sign with any other team, at least for several more weeks/months. However, a reunion is rather unlikely as there are many desperate teams out there willing to spend more on Wang – the Mets, for example – than the Yankees are.

Photo by Reuters

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2 Responses to Wang at least 3 months away

  1. Steve S. says:

    This may actually be good news in terms of a reunion. Right now, he’d have no place on the team. But if the Yanks sustain an injury (or two) to their rotation early in the season and Wang looks good in workouts, they could bring him back.

  2. nick says:

    I don’t understand. Is it more than the foot injury with this guy, how can you go from a near repeat 20 game winner and a great start to a third straight year to …………simply horrendous?? ANyone explain? thanks.

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