[image title="chien-ming-wang1" size="full" id="13804" align="right" linkto="full" ]

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Positive report today from Dr. Andrews on former #Yankees RHP Wang. Could throw off mound in 6-8 wks. Agents expect heightened interest.

I am not sure how much more interest can be stirred on Wang, as ESPN reported today that Wang’s agent has heard from 15 teams, with the Yankees being one of them. I would love for Wang to return, as he would provide the Yankees with valuable depth and should not be excessively costly. That being said, I am not sure it makes a ton of sense for Wang to sign with a club that does not have a rotation spot currently available for him should he prove healthy. The best career move would be to go to a club that will slot him into the rotation the instant he proves his health, so that he can build up some value for another go at free agency in 2011. I hope that I am wrong, but I think that Chien-Ming Wang’s tenure in pinstripes is over.

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2 Responses to Wang Could Be Throwing Off Mound Soon

  1. Ken a.k.a. Old Ranger says:

    Sad to say but, I agree with you. He was well needed in our rotation but now, not so much. Hope he comes out and pitches well for another team, he was a good guy and a good pitcher…good luck CMW!

  2. Steve S. says:

    I think you nailed it, Mo. His schedule being moved up makes it less likely for him to return. The way that it would have worked for all parties is if someone on the Yankee staff got hurt early in the season, and Wang would be ready to take their place around May-June.

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